This baby I just love so much. He is adorable, happy, funny, cuddly.... he is just awesome! Ezra now sits up by himself and eats real food. Ezra's main source of transportation is rolling, he rolls from one end of the room to the other in no time. He loves to drink water from a cup. He clucks his tongue and crawls on his back. He lays on his back, and tips his head up to see where he is going and then uses his legs to push himself forward. Hard to explain, but my Zipporah also crawled like this for awhile, it is so cute. He is starting to sleep better at night, which is so awesome, and as soon as our house guest move out, he will be moving out of mine and Chris's room and into his own room, so sleeping straight through the night is just around the corner. Ezra loves to just chill on my lap and squeals with delight when Chris comes home. I just love how he reaches for me whenever I walk in the room.
Oh and before I forget, Ezra has a natural fauw hawk. It is so cute. One of these days I will spike it up and take pictures.