Thursday, December 31, 2009

Chris's surgery.

Ever since Chris was about 10 years old he has suffered severe heart burn. He never thought it was anything but heartburn until our dentist in Lethbridge, suggest he gets things checked out, as the enamel on his teeth is getting wore away. So after 2 years and 2 different throat scopes later, by 2 different doctors, we gave up thinking there was going to be any relief, as both of them said he was fine. A few more years later and we are living in Stony Plain, his heart burn is just getting worse and worse. So Chris decides to go to our family doctor here and talk to him. He sends Chris to a specialist. He gets a throat scope and was told right after that he has a hiatal hernia and that he needs surgery. So they send him for one more test to test his swallowing, which Chris says was the worst thing he has ever had to go through. We found out that so many of his problems were from this hiatal hernia. His sever heart burn, sleep apnea, tiredness from not sleeping, sever stomach cramping etc etc. We also found out if he didn't get the surgery, he would be at high risk for cancer. Finally on December 11th, he went in for surgery. It has been about 3 weeks and he is still recovering. He is doing well, just still needs more recovery time. It was a lyproscopic surgery, but they moved his stomach up and stuff. He was on a a strict liquid diet for the first 2 weeks and now he is slowly introducing more foods. It will be 6 to 8 weeks before he will be eating normally again. He has lost 21 pounds, 18 in the first week.

trying to not smile......but........

I know how to make him smile for a picture, so I win and he smiled, in more than one photo

trying so hard yet again not to smile. hehehe

In his room right after surgery.

Wounds a couple days after surgery.


Daughter of The King said...

Wow! I hope he starts feeling better soon.

periwinkle4 said...

hope he heals quickly and that he will finaly not have those problems!