Friday, January 16, 2009

Only 8

Well, the time has come and our 2 foster children have left. The social worker came today around 230pm to take them for a 2 week trial visit with their dad. And if all goes well they will stay. I am sure they will be staying. We have been preparing for this possibility since November, so it seemed to be an easy thing to do. But as I watched them drive away, sadness has set in.
There has been things come up and we have advocated for them the best we can, but in the end social services makes all the decisions and there is nothing Chris and I can do about it. In certain ways, it is for the best, so I will try to focus on that more and just imagine things are going to be great for them. Which really, they are with family. And we did our best and gave them a good home, until it was no longer needed. We had them for almost exactly a year. It was a tough year, but still a good year. They made us laugh a lot and we had some pretty fun times with them.
Now I am down to just my 8 until the baby arrives and then we will have 9. It will be so exciting having the new addition to our family. We are all eagerly awaiting the babies arrival.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so sad!! I hope all goes well for them, but I also hope they get to come back to you!! They at least had a wonderful home with you for the time they were there!!