Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pregnancy update

I just thought I would post a little pregnancy update. I am on weekly visits now. In December the baby had dropped. Baby was way low for almost 4 weeks. At my appointment yesterday the doctor was going to scrape my membrane, to help get things moving, but the baby had decided to move back up and so my cervix was too high for him to scrape, and I am only a finger tip dialated, not even worth mentioning really, but of coarse I did. hehehe Also my blood pressure had been high, but yesterday things were good. I did lose 3 pounds in one week some how, but my belly grew 3 cm. Weird! I have actually been in a lot of pain for quite a few weeks, but it will all be over as soon as this baby arrives. I am feeling pretty good today however, so hopefully I will be able to continue to get things done and get everything ready for the new baby. I should probably get my hospital bags packed this weekend and wash the car seat and get the playpen set up. Maybe there will be time for all that on Saturday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad your back!! You have great kids, and I love reading about your big family!! Probably because I am so jealous of how many kids you have!!! Looks like you are doing well for being super pregnant!!! I'm excited for the new baby!!!!