Friday, April 9, 2010

Ezra 1 year pictures

Ezra is such a sweet awesome child!!! Just laid back, not much into adventure, I have always been able to just put him on the couch and he would just play there, no looking over the edge and falling off, nothing, in fact he did teach himself around 8 months to get off the couch properly. He wasn't walking at 1, but the next day he took 5 steps in a row a few different times, then nothing until almost 14 months. He would walk along the wall and barely be holding on, but not walk alone. He is walking now like a pro! No words yet either. He has said dad a few times, and hi once or twice, but he still just does baby babble a lot. I guess he just isn't a child in a hurry, and that is so ok with me.
Ezra loves toys that talk, or I guess interact. He loves balls, he just loves to throw them and play pass. He drives cars around on the floor and still likes to be within reach of mom.

1 comment:

Karen said...

What a handsome little man!