It is so crazy how fast a year goes by. Ezra turned 1 on January 28th. My parents were able to come up and help us celebrate. We started the day with a special birthday breakfast. Then had his favorite food for supper, chicken. Ezra absolutely loves chicken. Chicken and cheese have always been his favorite foods. We actually got KFC for supper, and he ate lots and lots of chicken. We spoiled him rotten and got him way too many gifts, but in my defense, this is the last 1st birthday we will be celebrating, so it had to be big. LOL!!
happy eating breakfast

pancakes, bacon, and eggs

small frog cake, this one he got all to himself

little and big frog side by side
hmmm interesting

starring down the frog, showing him who's boss I suppose.

got your eyes!


I want both!

Opening presents, Calliope helping too.

Ezra with all his presents

he didn't stay sitting for long

Ezra with grandma and grandpa
hahaha he is so scared of pretty much everyone that isn't his mom or dad or siblings.
1 comment:
Look at the loot, lucky boy! I love the photo of him staring down the frog.
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