Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lynnette's 12th birthday

Lynnette had her friend party the Saturday before her birthday. Lynnette hosted her party down stairs and I provided the food and it was a big hit. Instead of making a big cake, Lynnette wanted to have everyone decorate their own cake so I made a bunch of small cakes so each girls could decorate their cake how they wanted. Most ended up just mixing all the icing around on their cake and have a bunch of grey icing! Lynnette has some pretty great friends!

On her birthday, December 6th, I made a birthday breakfast for everyone. French toast and fried ham as per Lynnette's request. For lunch Chris took her to Subway. I made a cake surrounded with twix and topped with nerds. We gave Lynnette money to spend at the mall. And I took her a couple days later and she took her money from us and grandparents and bought herself some nice clothes and things. Happy birthday Lynnette!! I hope you had a great day!

goofing around in the basement

decorating their cakes

Decorated by Lynnette

Cake I made for Lynnette's birthday day!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

12 years old is SO huge to a young lady. ; D Congrats on entering Young Women's Lynnette!