Monday, May 25, 2009

Kirtland, Ohio

Our next stop was Kirtland, Ohio. We got to see so many interesting things. First we saw the Whitney home. The actual home restored, then we went into the N.K. Whitney store. There we saw where Joseph and Emma lived, the school of the prophets room, and of coarse the store. So amazing. And again with both places, they figure they have everything how it was way back when because of detailed journals. We also saw the saw mill and ashery. Both of those buildings burnt down after the saints left Kirtland, but they are just how they were and in the exact same spot where they originally stood. Then in the visitors center was a bronze display. It is amazing. This lady was an opera singer and realized she couldn't be an opera singer forever. She was messing around with clay and realized she had some talent and things went from there. Definitely made me wonder if I have any secret talents of greatness, that could be used to help bring people to the gospel. We also went to the Marley farm. There isn't much there, we were just told of the school house that the Marley's had for their kids and neighbouring families to use. It was often where priesthood meetings were held, and the first high priests were ordained there. The school house itself isn't here, as the church doesn't own the part of the land it was on. Maybe some day. We also toured the Kirtland Temple. The temple isn't owned by the LDS, but the Community of Christ, once known as the Reformed LDS church. It was definitely a different experience. The spirit was missing and you could tell the difference. I did feel the spirit inside of me, and I knew this was the place where amazing events took place. A building that the saints built with great sacrifices. So strange to feel the spirit inside me, but not around me. The tour itself focused mostly on where people sat and simple facts, but not the great events that took place. Still glad I went and saw it though. After that we drove out to the Johnson farm. This is the home where Joseph Smith and Emma were living when Joseph got drug from his bed and taken away and then was tarred and feathered. I definitely learned on my trip that I do not know very much church history. I am going to be reading lots of church history books. I am also intrigued with other religions, just purely for interest sake. I have no need to find another faith, I already know I belong to the only true church on earth, but I am interested to learn of other faiths and what they actually believe and what similarities there might be with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Chris has studied lots of religions and knows lots about other faiths, so I am sure he can help me with that.
We also stopped by the quarry really briefly, just to see exactly where the men went to cut stones for the building of the temple.

Whitney home

Inside one of the rooms in the Whitney home

Whitney store

Inside the store

checkers with corn for pieces LOL!! inside the store.

The ashery

the ashery again

Bronze statue. Jesus walking on water.

This one is Jesus bring Lazareth back from death. He is also in the sculpture, but not in this picture I took. The details of these statues are absolutely amazing.

The Saviour in Gethsemene

Me and Ezra in front of the Kirtland Temple.

Kirtland Temple

Johnson Home

Room where Joseph was taken from. Their room was right next to the front door.

The quarry. This is where the men when and cut stone for the temple.

You can totally see the marks from the stone being cut. My dad in the picture btw.

I can't imagine how back breaking the work must have been to do this all my hand.


Abigail said...

The temple is so pretty. What a nice trip.

Heather said...

I've been to all those places mentioned! I took a church history trip when I was 16. I learned a lot about the history of the church, this brings back memories!! I totally know what you mean about the Kirtland Temple. It just felt kinda odd and different! But beautiful!